filename structure: <day of the visit>chi<number in order of time>
7chi015-7chi037 -- Lesser Yingzhou island views in the Hangzhou West
7chi038-7chi039 -- Again in the boats
7chi040-7chi041 -- Pagoda like bridge in the Hangzhou West Inner Lake
7chi042-7chi046 -- Pearl pavilon photos
7chi047 -- Ivo took over the ruling of the boat
7chi048 -- Ship-restaurant near to Crossing the Rainbow Bridge
7chi049-7chi056 -- In the famous Lou Wai Lou Restaurant
7chi057-7chi058 -- Leaving the West Lake
7chi059 -- Hangzhou map from a street board
7chi060-7chi063 -- Reliefs, sculptures and park on the way to Ling-yin
7chi064-7chi065 -- Various Buddha reliefs carved into the rocks opposit
the Ling-yin Temple