filename structure: <day of the visit>chi<number in order of time>
4chi021 -- Qinshan-1 and phase 2 from the hotel window
4chi022-4chi023 -- Sculpture and the Visitor's Center
4chi025-4chi031 -- Chen-Chen silk factory demonstration hall
5chi001-5chi002 -- Another views from the Training Center
5chi003-5chi004 -- Evening talk with some Johnny Walker at my hotel
5chi005-5chi012 -- Hayan streets at night
6chi001-6chi004 -- Morning photos in front of Hayan Guo Guang hotel
6chi005-6chi014 -- Technical tour to the plant
6chi015-6chi019 -- Closing dinner
7chi001-7chi005 -- Hangzhou streets
7chi006-7chi014 -- Hangzhou West Lake and islands